I chose this clip for a couple reasons. First is the background, the play with its effect of vibration on the viewer's eyes. The extreme contrast flares on your eyes, and if I remember right from the movie, it creates a weird distortion with space and perception. The characters also come in and out of the black wholes, treating the blackness as a tunnel. I like how the designers played with so many possibilities from simply black and white.
Another reason I chose this clip is because of the creepy "Mr. Nowhere." I think he's ugly and has such a collaboration of non-cohesive attributes. This style of "unattractive" is a preferred taste to some point of views and sub-cultures.
Classic Hand Art. When I saw this in the film I thought of how children make mouth/faces out of their folded pointer-finger and thumb. You see hand expression from painted hands to mime hands to gang signs to music videos to sign language or to the modern "bird." It represents a common and again-classic form of voice without any sound.
I was really trying to find a clip of when all five of the main characters were time traveling and had "miracle grown" beards. This was the closest I could come to finding what I intended. When their beards were growing rapidly I again had a flashback to childhood; I thought of those toys that grew once they were in water. I also thought of when movies fast forward to show change (i.e. if you have ever seen starfish fast forwarded). The part from the movie stuck out to me, and made related references come to mind.